You may be aware that our current rehearsal premises at Aire Valley Business Centre are soon to be demolished, and we are on the lookout for a new rehearsal venue. We are asking for help finding new premises from our local community. Here is some information about the kind of space we need.
Floor Size – Our minimum requirements are a floor that roughly matches our performance stage area plus the off-stage waiting area. This is approximately 18m x 12m (60 feet x 40 feet).
Secure Storage Space – we also need some storage/work space for costumes and small props and equipment. For convenience, this would ideally be close to the rehearsal space.
Access – We would need easy access on evenings and weekends. Many of our cast drive, so parking nearby is essential – some don’t drive, so a central Keighley location would be ideal. When rehearsals may occasionally finish close to 10pm, we need to be confident that our cast can travel safely.
As we frequently have children in our performances, the area should ideally be safe and self-contained with suitable toilets and a small kitchen area for refreshments.
If you think you can help, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at