Thank you for wishing to renew your membership, and I’m sorry you had difficulty with our PayPal forms.
Membership fees for the 2020/21 year are £10 for under 18’s, £15 for everyone else.
There will be no performance fees this year.
By bank transfer, or in person at Yorkshire Bank, North Street, Keighley
Sort Code: 05-05-35
Account: 17340875
Account Name: Keighley Musical Theatre Company
Reference: Please add your surname
Please send confirmation, including the names of people you are paying for to
By Post:
Please send Cheque payable to KMTC
Or cash up to £30 in notes only (folded into sheet of paper)
KMTC Membership Secretary
15 Craven Road
BD21 4AR
Please include the names of people you are paying for, or send confirmation to